
Just as the City of Alpharetta must have plans and resources in place in order to respond and handle severe weather and emergency events, it is important for citizens and families to be prepared for when these incidents strike. Having plans ready for family communications, home evacuations, and sheltering in place during severe weather and other incidents can have the biggest impact on the safety of you and your loved ones.


Start by discussing these four questions with your family.  The answers will form the foundation of your plan.

  1. How will I receive emergency alerts or warnings?

  2. What is my shelter plan?

  3. What is my evacuation route?

  4. What is my family / household communication plan?



Think about the unique needs of your family and each family member; including children, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and pets.  This will help you to identify specific supplies or resources that will be needed or services for which arrangements need to be planned and made in advance.  For helpful information, guides, and tools, please visit


Another key resource is an emergency kit, sometimes called a “ready bag.”  Ready bags include basic items like a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and water, a flashlight, batteries, first aid kit, and other items.  They should, however, also be tailored for the unique needs of you and your family.  For information on preparing your kit, please visit