New Business Licenses
All businesses operating within the City of Alpharetta must possess a current Occupational Tax Certificate (also known as a business license) upon the first day of business. Businesses found to be operating within the corporate limits of the City of Alpharetta without a current Occupational Tax Certificate shall be subject to fines and penalties as allowed by law.

For information on obtaining a City of Alpharetta Occupational Tax Certificate, please read the information below for either Home Occupation Application or for Business License Application, based upon which category best describes your business situation. Information on annual occupational tax rates is provided on the application forms.

Business Applications:

*For New Business Licenses  
Email: or Call 678-297-6086 and refer to the instructions contained herein


*For Business License Renewal Questions  
Please refer to the City’s Business License Renewal Page

Go To Business License Renewal Page



To protect and preserve the character of residential neighborhoods, the City of Alpharetta has established regulations governing the operation of home-based businesses. A list of these regulations can be found on the first page of the Home Occupation Application. If for any reason, you or your business cannot operate in compliance with all of these guidelines, the business cannot be operated from your home.

It is important to note that the covenants of some neighborhoods restrict or regulate the operation of a business. The City of Alpharetta encourages those interested in operating a home business to contact their homeowners association, management company or landlord to learn about any restrictions that may apply.

For your convenience the Home Occupation Application can be filled out on your computer and printed, if you have version 6.0 or later of either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. 

If, after reviewing the Home Occupation Application, you have questions about obtaining your business license or operating a home-based business in the City of Alpharetta, please contact the Business License Officer by calling 678-297-6086.


If your business is located within a newly constructed commercial building and you are the first tenant in this space, please include a copy of your Certificate of Occupancy with your completed Application for Occupational Tax Certificate.

If you are not the first tenant in the space, you must schedule and successfully complete a fire and safety inspection prior to submitting your Application for Occupational Tax Certificate. Please contact the Fire Marshall by calling 678-297-6272 to schedule your fire inspection.

For your convenience the Application for Occupational Tax Certificate can be filled out on your computer and printed, if you have version 6.0 or later of either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.

If, after reviewing the Application for Occupational Tax Certificate, you have questions about obtaining your business license or operating a business in the City of Alpharetta, please contact the Business License Officer by calling 678-297-6086.



If you are starting a new business within the City of Alpharetta and have not yet secured your business license, you may download the appropriate forms:
For questions pertaining to securing a new City of Alpharetta business license, please 

Email: or Call 678-297-6086


New Business Licensing Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 7:30am - 4:00pm

Friday: 7:30am – 3:30pm

Sat/Sun: Closed.

Business License


Alcohol License


  • How long does it take to obtain an alcohol license?

  • Can I use an existing survey as part of my Alcohol Licensing Application?

  • Can we sell alcohol while we are in the process of approval?

  • Am I required to show up in person for the Alcohol License Public Hearing and City Council meeting?

  • Can we use the existing Survey?

  • What is the $50 advertising fee for?

  • Why am I being fingerprinted? Do my employees have to be fingerprinted?