History & Timeline

The City of Alpharetta updates its vision for the future and adopts it every five years in the form of our Comprehensive Plan.  The plan casts the community's goals and vision for the future in areas such as land use, housing, economic development, broadband services, and transportation and sets out a five-year investment and action plan for achieving it.

Why We Plan
Comprehensive planning is an important management tool for promoting a strong, healthy community. A comprehensive plan provides a vision, clearly stated and shared by all, that describes the future of the community. It protects private property rights and also encourages and supports economic development. The plan can be used to promote orderly and rational development so the city can remain physically attractive and economically viable while preserving important natural and historic resources.

The comprehensive plan provides the basis to become more certain about where development will occur, what it will be like, when it will happen, and how the costs of development will be met. It provides a tool for the community to achieve the development pattern it desires, addressing factors such as traditional neighborhoods, infill development, creating a sense of place, providing transportation alternatives, permitting mixed uses, protecting natural resources and encouraging economic growth.

Planning also helps the city invest its money wisely in infrastructure such as roads, water and sewer service, parks and green space, and other facilities to maintain and improve the quality of life for the residents of the city.


View Current Comprehensive Plan