New Business License Inspections

icons8-city-hall-16 2565 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30009

icons8-phone-call-16 678-297-6272   icons8-send-email-16


All businesses operating within the City of Alpharetta must possess a current Occupational Tax Certificate (also known as a business license) upon the first day of business. Businesses operating within the corporate limits of the City of Alpharetta without a current Occupational Tax Certificate shall be subject to fines and penalties as allowed by law.


Prior occupancy of a tenant space or a building without first receiving a fire inspection and approval from the Fire Marshal’s Office is prohibited. An inspection must be conducted to verify that the tenant space or the building is appropriate for the proposed use of the business per O.C.G.A 120-3-3 and local ordinance. Additionally, all minimum fire code requirements for the use of the location must be adhered to before the business is open to the public. 

Fire Inspections may be requested on City business days between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. To schedule your new business fire inspection, please follow the link below.

*** A fire inspection is only required for tenants taking over a new building/suite or when an occupancy changes (e.g. Business to Educational). Clerical changes or sub-leases of the same occupancy types are not required to get a fire inspection. ***

Schedule Appointment
