Frequently Asked Questions

Taxes (including Property Taxes)


  • How can I pay my City property taxes?

  • How can I appeal my property value?

  • What should I do if I closed my business or sold a piece of personal property (boats, equipment, etc.) during the tax year?

  • My mortgage company is responsible for paying my property taxes, what do I need to do?

  • What happens if I do not receive my City property tax bill?

  • When are the City of Alpharetta property taxes mailed and due?

  • Do I get the deadline date of paying my property tax extended if I do not receive my bill on time?

  • What happens if I do not pay my city property taxes?

  • How can I get answers to other tax questions?

  • What happens if I have a returned check for my property tax payment?

  • What is a temporary tax bill?

Trash and Recycling


  • How often am I billed for garbage service?

  • If my garbage services are missed, does the City of Alpharetta credit my account?

  • What are my payment options?





  • What are my payment options?

  • Is there a penalty for late payment?

  • Does the City of Alpharetta handle water/sewer accounts?

  • Does the City pay sales tax?

  • Are departments allowed to make their own purchases?

  • Who do I contact to get payment for my invoice?