Financial Services

The Finance Department's Functions Include:


  • Facilitates the success of the operating divisions through oversight, staff support, internal and public advocacy. Providing fiduciary oversight and support to our various departments and communicates the financial health of the City to the Mayor, City Council and stakeholders.


Accounting & Operations

  • Records the City’s financial transactions, financial reporting
  • and disbursement activities, and manages and produces financial statements in accordance with GAAP.


Treasury Services

  • Manages and facilitates the billing, collection and
  • processing of city revenues, property taxes, sanitation,
  • hotel/motel taxes, etc., and manages and facilitates
  • cash management.

Risk Management

  • Manages and facilitates the risk management program by
  • providing training programs and instructions to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Structures insurance programs to protect city assets at reasonable premium rates.



  • Manages and facilitates the provisions of a competitive benefits package to help attract and retain the best employees.


Budget & Procurement

  • Manages and facilitates the financial transaction lifecycle
  • through budget planning, preparation,
  • and management purchasing (including quotes, bids, RFP, 
    • etc.), invoice/payment verification and processing, and manages and facilitates the City’s financial reporting.


​Financial Awards & Achievements:


    1. Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

    for Fiscal Year 2023 from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This award program recognizes those governments that go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to prepare Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR) that represent the spirit of transparency and full disclosure.


    2. Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting

    for Fiscal Year 2023 from the GFOA. This award program recognizes those governments that produce high quality Popular Annual Financial Reports (a.k.a. Annual Citizens Report) specifically designed to be readily accessible and easily understandable to the general public and other interested parties without a background in public finance.


    3. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

    for Fiscal Year 2025 from the GFOA. This award program recognizes those governments that prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s recommended practices on budgeting.